YouTube and cookies
- The YouTube nocookies domain is no longer available
- For now @dario has disabled youtube-nocookies so sites aren't negatively affected
- We will need a longer term solution though
- The one suggested by @michael so far was to look into additional functionality for YouTube players
- If user has approved all cookies, just show the player
- If user has NOT approved all cookies, a button appears in place of the player where the user will need to confirm they are happy to share cookies so they can play the video
- If we do this, we should have this configurable on a per-site basis (as some sites may not want this functionality) - do as a radio toggle (none, button) so we can add other options in the future if that is required.
- We will need to be able to turn this on/off (defaults to off)
- Confirm as a team we want to do this
- Where to log time for this work - ask @luke ?
Implemention links
Example style
Edited by Dan Duke